Kathryn Dietzway MSW, LCSW-BACS
Clinical Director / Psychotherapist
EMDR Certified Therapist
EMDRIA Approved Consultant
Adult Individual and Couples Sessions
Kathryn Dietzway (she/her/hers) is a founder/owner and the clinical director of The Therapy Garden. As a clinical director, she pulls from her background in Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work to support a group practice of clinicians who are passionate about reaching and affirming diverse populations in their services.
Kathryn believes that psychotherapy should include an understanding of a person's holistic human needs, taking into account full mind-body wellness and connecting clients to adjunct healthcare and related services as needed. She is passionate about supporting her clients with compassionate, social-justice oriented therapy that focuses on the mind-body connection.
Personal Statement to Potential Clients:
"You came into this world knowing intuitively how to meet your needs. Infants know when they are hungry and when they are satiated. Emotions are the bodies way of getting natural born needs met. There is no shame attached to feeling your feelings as a newborn baby. Then, your experiences, relationships and communities shape your natural born intuition around needs and expression, for better or worse. Perhaps you are here reading this because your family of origin, community or society has harmed your intuition. Perhaps you have slowly developed shame around your human needs and anxiety around who YOU even are authentically. You have a voice that matters, but maybe it's been years since you last heard that voice speak up (if ever).
I view my clients' mental health symptoms as being exacerbated by unprocessed harmful experiences from the past and present that have become frozen in the nervous system. The harmful experiences I work with range from attachment and developmental trauma to community, ecological and societal trauma. By reprocessing and releasing the frozen trauma, healing begins. It is important to note that healing looks different from person to person and is a non-linear, life-long process, rather than a fixed state or place you can get to and forget about."
While Kathryn works with a variety of human experiences, she works most often with clients who report a history of childhood and/or adulthood trauma and sees adults of all ages, most frequently ages 25-70.
Kathryn also works with couples looking to heal attachment and relationship trauma in order to benefit their relationships at present. She enjoys pulling in nervous system informed approaches to support couples in improving self-regulation, emotional awareness and communication styles. Kathryn has a knack for seeing past surface level issues that couples experience and getting to the root of their struggles.
Kathryn works with clients through a somatic-informed, trauma-focused lens, blending approaches such as EMDR, ecotherapy, applied polyvagal theory and parts work as these approaches feel aligned. In addition to being an EMDR Certified Therapist and EMDRIA Approved Consultant , Kathryn has attended trainings in Hakomi Somatic Mindfulness Psychotherapy, Applied Polyvagal Theory, Hypnosis, Somatic Integration and Processing (SIP), Structural Dissociation and Parts Work, among many others. Kathryn is also currently pursuing a degree in Nursing in order to advance her understanding of the human body on a biological and nervous system level.
​Education: Kathryn earned her undergraduate degree in Sociology with a minor in Anthropology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2012. She earned her Master's degree in Social Work from Louisiana State University in 2015.​
Professional values: In therapy, Kathryn acknowledges the impact of systemic and macro-level problems such as racism, climate change, income inequality, among many others, on her clients' individual biopsychosocial experience. She works from an anti-racist. decolonial perspective. When it comes to conversations about food and body image, Kathryn works from a weight-neutral, non-diet approach and incorporates intuitive eating and HAES principles. She works with clients of diverse cultural, religious and spiritual backgrounds, incorporating the client's unique values and practices upon request.​
Payment and Availability
Insurance and Payment info: In network with Humana Commercial health insurance plans only. Private pay available. Can provide receipt for services so that clients may inquire about out of network reimbursement with their insurance. Payment due at time of service.
60 minute session: $200-$150 Sliding Scale
90 minute session: $300
2 hour session: $400
3 hour session: $600
4 hour session: $800
5 hour session: $1000
Kathryn offers a limited number of sliding scale spots. Please reach out to inquire about sliding scale openings.
Intensive Sessions:
Intensives are longer sessions which allow clients to get more therapy in at once. Some clients find it helpful to schedule 1-2 full days of therapy several times a year. Others find it helpful to come 2-3 times in one week for 2+ hours each day. The most comon intensive offering I facilitate is 5-6 hours of therapy in one day, with several breaks throughout. We are able to customize intensives to fit with client needs. A screening and 90 min intake session must occur before our first intensive in order to maximize our intensive sessions. EMDR Intensives can be an adjunct to your primary therapy; in these situations Kathryn likes to coordinate with client's primary therapist to maximize your experience.
Intensives are also offered on Saturdays
Licensing & Credentials:
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
Board Approved Clinical Supervisor (BACS)
EMDR Certified Therapist and EMDR Approved Consultant (EMDR International Association)
EMDR International Association Member
Professional Services
​EMDR Consultation for EMDR Certification:
EMDR Consultation of Consultation for EMDRIA therapists pursuing EMDRIA Approved Consultant Credential:
EMDR Certification Groups:
$30/hour standard registration
$25/hour equity registration (for therapists financially impacted by systemic forms of oppression with a focus on race, ability status and gender/sexuality)
Open registration offerings:
Visit linktr.ee/kathryndietzway to find links for individual and group EMDR consultation offerings
Business & General Clinical Consultation
$165-$200/hour sliding scale
Professional Equity Offerings:
Systemic Oppression Discount: I offer sliding scale for those financially impacted by systemic oppression with focus on race, ability status, gender and sexuality. Email to inquire at kathryn@yourtherapygarden.com
EMDRIA Foundation Racial Equity Support Initiative (RESI) I am a part of the EMDRIA Foundation's Racial Equity Support Initiative. This means that BIPOC Clinicians can apply for financial support for consultation towards certification and consultant status, and that I can be selcted as your consultant under RESI. Visit https://www.emdriafoundation.org/diversity/ to learn about application process and windows.